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By 50 Shades of Pissed Off
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Sexual Chaos in Today's Dating Scene

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Anna Freeman reveals what young girls are really like & what they really want.

Young women must demand courtship and commitment as a condition for sex

says 28-year-old Anna Freeman from the UK.

It’s what women want. It’s time they started to listen to their own instincts instead of the mendacious mass media and peer pressure.

by Anna Freeman
(posted on

LONDON — Recently, a friend looked at me in horror when I mentioned that mutual acquaintances had had a baby.

“They’ve had a baby?” She repeated hoarsely. “I can’t believe it…”

I was puzzled. “Why not? They’re married, they’re nearly thirty – what’s the problem?”

“Well,” She replied, distaste etched across her face. “I just thought they were more intelligent than that!”

Welcome to the 21st-century feminist dystopia – where having a baby provokes horror and a family is considered stupid.

Educated British women in their twenties and thirties, by and large, consider children and family to be an antiquated disease caused by ignorance, poverty and lack of birth control.

And why must intelligent women avoid this unspeakable illness at all costs?

So they can continue to have ‘fun’, of course. ‘Fun’ has become the single last bastion, the irreproachable emblem, of modern life.

All other values, all indicators of a civilized, sane society, are sacrificed and forgotten, considered ‘boring’ – whilst ‘fun’ rules with a ruthless and unchallenged supremacy.

‘Fun’, is a euphemism for sexual licentiousness; a term that’s taking on ever more onerous and Orwellian forms, as sexuality becomes an indefinable darkness, where everybody can do everything with everyone, with no commitment or consequence (or often, conversation) required.

Most women under 30 now consider themselves ‘bisexual’, priding themselves on eradicating the distinction between friends and lovers, whilst self-proclaimed gay men spend nights out kissing and groping their female friends because it’s ironic and ‘fun’.

Straight men know they can go out and sleep with countless women and need never contact them again, as it’s all just cool, no biggie, and ‘fun’.

But there’s a bit of a problem with all this fun – nobody is actually having any. Underneath the hyperbole, behind the Facebook photos, is an unadorned and ugly truth – that this is a shattered generation of wretched people.

Everyone is suffering the unremitting horror of being forced to twist their humanity into something else – something manufactured, programmed, and much less than human.


I should have fit into the engineered insanity perfectly, my background should have made me a poster-girl for it – with dad an atheist liberal and mum, a feisty feminist. My parents were divorced before I even knew how to spell it. I grew up with all the usual messages about the sexes – that men are inferior, marriage is monstrous, and fish don’t ride bicycles – but nevertheless, harbored all the same romantic fantasies and bashful modesty around boys that 13-year-old girls everywhere always have.

Teenage girls start off worshiping boys, finding everything about them infinitely fascinating and amazing (just look in any teen magazine – the level of personal detail included on each boyband member would shame the CIA).

Far from the fashionable media images of the emasculated male salivating after the empowered female, the reality is the opposite – girls are shy and awe-struck around boys. They admire and adore them. And the knight in shining armor fantasy is still very much a reality for them.

So the dating scene, when they finally enter it, can come as a rude awakening.

It certainly did for me. The casual ambiguity of it all, the lack of rules or restraint, the almost feral behavior, left me stunned and bewildered. I went through the motions, I did what I thought I was supposed to – but ended up increasingly confused, hurt, and angry, as relationships faltered and fell apart, with no real explanation.

The men were damaged and dysfunctional in all the usual modern ways, so the last thing I could envisage was creating any kind of family with them – even if I could guarantee they’d stick around. [And no-one is more ardent an advocate of parents staying together than those whose parents didn’t.]

I looked at my friends, and saw their personal lives were in equal, or worse, states of disrepair. I watched as female friends struggled through endless emotional breakdowns, desperate dashes for the morning after pill, and of course the inevitable abortions.

I looked on as the males treated women as interchangeable, just tottering arm ornaments for a good night out.


I eventually decided this was not for me anymore. So, at age 27, I simply opted out – no relationships, no ‘dating’, no men in anything other than a platonic capacity. I’ve always liked men, and they make great friends – but, without radical social transformation, I couldn’t see them doing much else.

More and more people are coming to this conclusion – that the opposite sex just isn’t worth the hassle. It’s easier, simpler, saner, to just be on your own.

The fact that people feel like this is a stunning indictment of just how sick our society has become. Human beings are not designed for isolation or individualism – they’re designed for strong, meaningful relationships; for mutual commitment, marriage and children.

But the only way to restore these things is to restore the standards of modesty, decency, and respect that used to promote them. And this can only happen if women insist that no commitment and no love, equals no sex.

Women believe they can’t insist on these standards anymore, because, if they do, men will simply pass them over for others who are ‘easier’ – which is exactly why women need to join together: to support each other in having the strength to maintain dignity and standards in the face of all the modern pressures and perversity. In the end, it’s these women men really respect and will commit to.

It’s what most men want too. Men might seem to enjoy the casual sex culture, but it merely plays to their baser instincts. It doesn’t fulfill them as thinking, feeling, human beings. Men just as enslaved and oppressed as women.

It is women who have the key to restoring real values and restructuring society into one founded on decency and respect, by refusing to collaborate in their own destruction.

This is possible, it really could happen – if only the true female pioneers would step forward and say it’s what they want. At the moment, it seems they’re too jaded, too embarrassed, or simply too intimidated by the might of the mass media, to speak up. I hope they find a voice soon. Perhaps this is a start.”

The following is a collection of some of my absolute favorite memes I’ve found over the years regarding above topic. Enjoy!


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    Total 17 comments
    • Anonymous

      The wedge between men and women have been inserted for decades. Watch any Western from the 50-60s and you will see the woman portrayed as evil, cunning, never sincere and always a selfish bitch. Then watch any sitcom from the 70-80s and you will see the man portrayed as an ignorant, idiot buffoon bigot.
      Culling the herd, breaking unity, etc it is obviously going on by the “entertainment” industry.
      Maybe the newest wave is to also kick off the new sex robot industry that these Banksters are hoping develops like the automobile industry.

    • Pink Slime

      I was going to say you have a cute goofy face.

      Most of today’s dating scene is the FATHERLESS MORON type. Lack of a REAL father, and only the REEL kind of father has resulted in this mess we see today.

      Feminist, of course, like the idea of a NO FATHER family because this is a COMMUNIST LIBERAL tactic to destroy the family and create the GODLESS STATE!

      Mind you, even feminist grew up in a fatherless environment, as did the communist liberal. Now they want a “daddy” State. This goes to show you how IMPORTANT a father is to a family, to society, and to a NATION.

      Everyone wants a DADDY! A REAL daddy! Daddies are FUN! :lol:

    • Anonymous

      The “Black” Nobility and their henchmen:

      Their henchmen are Jews (the Hyksos people) and the 13:th tribe, the Nazi, AshkeNazi. National-Socialism+the Zionist Party.

      Marxism (economical system), later turned into Cultural -Marxism. (Because when you already conquered the Nation, they want to conquer the homogeneous indigenous people, splinter them into mirror fragment of themselves and blend them with crud.
      It is a loop anyway.
      The Astor (Jew) (Astara/star) family behind the Fabian Socialism and the UN . (Head of Astor killed didn’t want FED, Titanic) Astor big in Hollywood. (Without the FED no WW1 and WW2, but crucial in creating the UN)

      The “Jews” behind the Bolshevik revolution also.

      All is a game to kill off the white people, they (AshkeNazi) are a Mongol-people, Kublai Khan the Yuan dynasty are also Mongols.
      Holohoax less than 300 000 “Jews” were killed in ww2 (bu famine and starvation created by the all-lies. Only in Dresden they firebombed, killed over 300 000 Germans.= Burned offering.

    • Fred C Dobbs

      A good start to a long overdo discussion.


      I am glad for my Mormon Church at times like this. No dating till 16, missions for the boys, they come home men, marry young, men are expected to support the family and women are encouraged to have children and take care of them. I married at 20 and am 28, expecting my fifth child. My oldest son is 7 and I am only now seeing the joy my investment is bringing to me. I will grow into my 40s and 50s with my house full of loved ones. Without the church teaching the roles of men and women I would have tried to chase a career and been so lost. I figure by having children I have quintoupled the economic production in the coming years verses having a career and no children. The economy should thank me. The government again will take in much more taxes as my kids grow up and enter the work force because I stayed home to have children. And what I gave up in public accolades I am now reaping the beauty of having meaning to lives that will never see anyone as more influential in their life as me. I did not see this joy at the am glad for my Mormon Church at times like this. No dating till 16, missions for the boys, they come home men, marry young, men are expected to support the family and women are encouraged to have children and take care of them. I married at 20 and am 28, expecting my fifth child. My oldest son is 7 and I am only now seeing the joy my investment is bringing to me. I will grow into my 40s and 50s with my house full of loved ones. Without the church teaching the roles of men and women I would have tried to chase a career and been so lost. I figure by having children I have quintoupled the economic production in the coming years verses having a career and no children. The economy should thank me. The government again will take in much more taxes as my kids grow up and enter the work force because I stayed home to have children. And what I gave up in public accolades I am now reaping the beauty of having meaning to lives that will never see anyone as more influential in their life as me. I did not see this joy at the beginning. I felt I was giving up my identity and being rude to not help my husband with finances. But now as my kids are growing and getting along I am seeing the blessings my choices are giving me and my heart rejoices. I wish ever woman could have the deep satisfaction, importance, love, and companionship that I have.

      • Pink Slime

        There was another story similar to yours. A young girl was told to go to college before she married, but believe it or not her parents said not too. Both were college educated and one had a Ph.D.

        The father was against it and so was the mother. It seems they saw too many women go to college and never get married and get stuck in dead end careers, never meeting the right men, and ending up childless.

        A burden on a nation that cannot reproduce. You all fell for the Democraps and liberals that this would be liberating. To go to college and expand your mind and how you can then get married and all that crap.

        It turned out to be the very opposite; depression, loneliness, childlessness and basically forgotten outside your career and a DESTROYED nation importing Megroes, Moslems, Mexicans, Mongrels and Migrants.

        The game plan of the VILE Democraps. Now your future is one of a RAPE culture with no man to protect you as you get older.

        That girl, I think, went on to marry a very stable and approved man who would go on to take care of her – and both parents approved. :cool:

    • st

      wow a girl with morals,where did u come from?

    • Anonymous

      I am not seeing any of these “Western” problems, in virgins. All of the suspicions, regrets, and demands, are coming from soiled women.

      • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

        Yeah but how many virgins do you know in today’s culture?

    • Real Expert

      So many accurate points in the above article.. The Japanese youth have all decided
      that it’s not worth the hassle messing with dating at all. They are pretty much out of
      that loop altogether. In the US, it’s getting that way very quickly and can you blame
      them? When you have feminists that never got asked to the high school prom with
      a chip on their shoulder running the show, this is what you get. Now, men are
      afraid to ask any woman out for fear that he may accidentally slip and be charged
      with sexual harassment. Today, with the feminists at the helm (and the press
      egging them on every step of the way), sexual harassment can be something as
      slight as saying, “you look so pretty in that dress”.. So, not knowing what is
      acceptable any longer, who on Earth would want to risk anything?

      Although I agree with so much of what Anna Freeman said here, I also think
      it doesn’t quite go far enough. Women don’t need to band together to
      be celibate, instead they need to band together to put feminists back down
      where they belong, in the bowels of society (where they came from).
      As long as the press glorifies and prints every opinion they have as
      if it was “NORMAL”, then nothing will change. Two entities are your
      worst enemies, and it’s time to start being very vocal about how you
      detest the feminists and the press as well. Have some feminist article
      in your paper or magazine? Call, email or do whatever you have to
      do, to let them know that YOU and all of your FRIENDS disagree
      wholeheartedly with that article. Tell them you are going to start
      calling all of their advertisers and scream over their article, and why
      you will no longer be buying THEIR products.

      With the internet and so much instant communication, time to make
      it work for YOU. God knows the feminists are using it against you,
      so time for you and yours to turn the tide in the other direction.

      As for how to get trust back from the guys who the feminists alienated
      from you, very tricky thing to sort out.. Love and instill a great sense of
      trust from the start. You can melt his heart, if you just don’t listen
      to the feminists, or the press.. Good luck ..

      From an old guy that gave up on relationships 20 years ago!

      • Rockledge

        As soon as the Asians invent a robot that gives a great blowjob and can make a fantastic cheeseburger, women will be obsolete.

        The whole feminist movement has enslaved women.
        And they are still bitching and pretending they aren’t being treated fair, simply because they now know that the work force isn’t the fairy tale the bra burners told them it would be.

        And of course, being women, they aren’t happy with that, either.

        The only ones who have benefited from the Satanic Babylonian Inana/Ishtar worship of feminism are the preferred stockholders and CEOs of corporations , who are now getting both the man and woman for the price of a man.

        Women haven’t gained a thing, other than a lot more work, headaches, and misery.

    • Rockledge

      Any young man that gets a bitch pregnant is a fool.
      One that gets involved with a woman is an even bigger fool.
      In todays society, a man having anything but a bought and paid for temporary encounter may as just be signing a pact with the devil.
      This is a nation of either welfare mothers or mothers who think they are men and too busy in the work force to nurture their children.
      Children do not have moms now, they have mothers. Which is the polite term for egg donors.
      Men don’t have wives, they have husbands with tits who have been taught by our babylonian culture to dominate him.

      Young men, heed my warning, save yourselves from misery. Get a vasectomy and never park your car in the same garage twice.

      • 50 Shades of Pissed Off

        Yes because being bitter and jaded and just using women for brief sexual encounters is the way to really give the middle finger to the Satanists who created it. (thats sarcasm if u didnt notice)….THATS EXACTLY HOW THEY WANT YOU TO REACT. THEY WANT YOU TO BECOME ANGRY, CYNICAL AND NEVER OPEN TO OR CAPABLE OF TRUE LOVE

        • Real Expert

          Shades, I am the anon that wrote the long piece just above.. I do have to say in
          Rockledges defense, it’s kind of hard for a guy to let himself love a girl that dresses
          like a cheap hooker (so many do these days), and then act like one too.

          I suppose what I am trying to say is, as long as women act like whores, it is
          next to impossible for any guy to take her as a serious love interest. Then on
          the other hand, women dress in blue jeans 95 percent of the time.. So, as a man
          you have a choice of a gal in blue jeans (too casual and manlike of an outfit), or
          you get the cheap hooker look.. The in between these days is pretty much non-existent.
          It would be very nice if women dressed up as women for a change.. When I see a gal
          in a store or at the mall wearing a nice dress, or skirt outfit, I want to run over and
          hug her and tell her thank you for dressing like a real woman!

          So it’s hard to explain as a man, why men have reservations about taking any of
          today’s women seriously and treat them as sex objects.. The answer is, that is how
          they see themselves, or so it seems. If they thought of themselves as something more
          than that, they would dress the part, and act the part.. We just aren’t seeing that

          So much of this can be blamed on society itself which condones and promotes
          all of it.. The news media, plays a big role, along with Hollywood too,

          Society has no moral compass left to go by. It is long since erased. It is now
          a game of self indulgence and complete chaos.

          I, as a father, would not allow my son, when growing up, to watch certain
          television programs that I thought were inappropriate. Today parents let
          their children become indoctrinated into this chaos, with zero oversight.

          My sister raised her children with the zero oversight principle and let
          them “express themselves” however they pleased. They lived with her
          into their 30′s, one is in prison now and the other two should be, but
          are miraculously still free.. My son on the other hand and his wife
          have bought two brand new houses in their short married life and
          are very successful people.. I raised him with morals, as did my
          daughter in law’s parents raised her the same way..

          To sum it all up, women need to band together alright, but they
          need to figure out that they should quit dressing as whores,
          or sloppily in jeans and just any old shirt, and start getting some morals
          as Ann was suggesting. Then, just perhaps, they will meet a man who
          respects them for who they are, and will demonstrate “True Love”, don’t ya think?

        • Rockledge

          Silly woman. The fact is, I have been married twice, the first one was a useless idle vegetable who was about nothing.

          The second time I married a woman who loves being a woman and expects me to be a man and has no interest in us pretending to be equipped the same. We have been married for 34 years in the next few months.
          But she is the very rare exception. I got one of the last real women in existence, apparently.

          The fact is, the way women have been taught, brief sexual encounters are all the value most of them have. They can’t cook, can’t clean a house, and many of them cannot even tend kids, someting God specially equipped women with intrinsic traits for.

          I am not jaded by any of it, none of it effects me. But it does put me in the unique situation of viewing the horror from the outside.

          I am not jaded, the fact is I am opposed to Satans feminist movement that has made women, en-mass, jaded.
          Very few of them are not ashamed of their gender, and most are taught to be tomboys and to strive to be men.
          I am also not at all angry about it.

          In fact I find the fact that women are running around like chickens with their heads of trying to be DaddyII and pretending to be mommies and still be a princess with the shoes and makeup and wanting to be a man in the work force but still maintain some semblence of true “feminism” to be quite entertaining.
          All in the name of trying to live up to some absurd standard that nobody but the corporations benefit from.

          Well, and of course, us men who, thanks to feminism I was able to retire VERY early and not feel guilty about it.
          The whole mess actually feathered my nest a bit, in quite a strange way.
          You silly girls just don’t have the logic skills to realize that you’ve been had.

          As i say, more power to em’.

    • The Watcher


      • Rockledge

        Women sure have come a long way.
        Now they are free to take on all the responsibility themselves.

        I say HELL YEAH!!!
        I got sick of having all the work and responsibility while a lazy bitch slept 12 hours a day and couldn’t fucking cook jello without burning it. She is still quite useless and helpless.

        Put them all to work. Let the men stay at home and watch TV.

        Hell yeah, ladies , you’ve come a LONG way.

        You win!!! You get to bust your asses rather than the men doing it !!! WEEEEEEE!!!!
        You might even get a *gasp* title!!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

        I use to think God will want to bust my ass and put me to bed without dinner because of my quirks and imperfections and my proclivity toward sin.

        But hell, compared to the feminist paganism, the sick queer shit, and in general a society that is entertained by TV that talks about jacking off as casually as is possible, portrays men as having the traits of women and women as having the traits of men, my sins ain’t SHIT.

        I am thinking I will get a gold star beside my name.

        This is one sick twisted confused world. And I still don’t understand why God doesn’t mash his thumb on the whole mess like it was an annoying insect.

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